Always thinking of you, we have a wide range of services available to make your work, a much more effective management. Count on us to help you solve the difficulties that come your way!
Monitoring and protecting your company assets through the implementation of GPS with real-time information, controlling routes fulfillment and geo-fences, including an anti-theft system and much more.
Travel schedule compliance control
You’ll be able to monitor routes, stops made, position and schedule, in addition to measuring the time of arrival and departure.
Detecting cellular jamming and GPS blocking
Avoiding blocking the GPS tracking function installed on the truck (jamming) so that the satellite signal cannot be inhibited.
Prevention of risks and losses system
Avoiding accidents and thefts by measuring transported weight, tire pressure and temperature, driver’s fatigue and distraction, speed according to weather, lane departures and much more.
Making your company assets profitable by evaluating the profile or handling, as well as the units’ performance, also measuring the fuel levels to avoid shrinkage and to control misuse.
Fuel tanks control
Allowing you to cover the transport process chain (loading / shipping / unloading) in a safe and controlled way.
Fuel level monitoring
Measuring the fuel level in the tanks and transmitting this data at regular intervals, determining loading and unloading situations, level variations, getting to know the place of these variations, etc.
Driving and expenses control
Evaluating fuel performance and operating profile based on torque, acceleration, average speeds and more.
Protecting your trucks cargo and making your company more profitable by controlling the temperature, weight and safety of your goods
Anti-vandalism system
Monitoring the detention of your truck in a controlled, autonomous or remote way and controlling the opening of your truck doors, both trailer and cabin.
Detecting cellular jamming and GPS blocking
The jammer blocks the GPS tracking function installed in your vehicle, and with this, thieves avoid being located by satellite when executing a theft.
Transported cargo control
Measuring the cargo temperature, controlling the uncoupling or opening of the trailer, detecting the impacts through an accelerometer, and much more.
Powering, controlling and monitoring the safety of your drivers and trucks while they are on route by using these elements:
Working day control
Get an estimate with information on driving vs. resting periods of your drivers and make a pre-operational checklist to know the status of the vehicle before the trip.
Monitor your drivers’ trip
You will have the possibility to control and be informed about driving speeds, driver’s fatigue / distraction, rough handling, transported weight, vehicle failures, etc.
Evaluate the driver’s driving quality
Perform a driving and scoring profile (a mechanism that allows you to obtain the risk profile of an individual based on his characteristics) to optimize your company resources.